Automate inspection and safety routines

Guarantee that installations are secure and working properly, and prevent errors: operators need easy, mobile access to all verification and control points to carry out their mission and provide reliable reporting. 

Make it easier to prepare, execute and document repetitive tasks


Recurrent paper-generating activities

Repetition of paper-based procedures inevitably leads to an accumulation of physical documentation that is difficult to manage and analyse.


Handwritten, time-consuming and error-prone data collection

Paper transcriptions are prone to typing errors and misinterpretations.


Repetitive processes to be applied with consistent rigour  

Compliance has no room for deviation: even the simplest and most routine operations must follow the same procedure.  

Standardise and maintain
inspections and safety routines


Configure and schedule different types of rounds

  • Determine different types of readings: sensors, equipment, installations, visual inspections, etc.
  • Define perimeters or operation paths
  • Program frequency and locations
  • Draw up detailed inspection forms with supporting documents


Easily capture data in the field

  • Simplify data entry and reduce response times with forms
  • Record, date and time-stamp entries to guarantee compliance
  • Complete anomaly reports by taking photos


Automatically generate inspection reports

  • Synchronise data collected by information systems and avoid re-entry
  • Automate the processing of large volumes of data in compliance with regulations
  • Report and characterise deviations to identify failures at an early stage and anticipate corrective actions

What our customers
are saying


We make it a point of honour to equip our teams with the best tools so that they can carry out their activities in the best possible conditions, in compliance with a rigorous protocol [...]. We must guarantee conformity and traceability of the incalculable number of technical actions [our operators perform].

Vincent Deleplanque, Managing Director of Samsic's Nuclear Division

Bouygues C

Let's talk about
your digital acceleration

Téléchargez le livre blanc sur la maintenance

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Livre blanc

La maintenance nucléaire face au digital

Découvrez 25 pages dédiées à l'implémentation du digital dans la préparation et l'exécution de vos interventions de maintenance nucléaire.  

Télécharger le livre blanc