Time-consuming document preparation
Gathering the necessary documentation and ensuring that the latest versions are up to date wastes precious time before work even begins.
Replace the paper folders and documents used to prepare and monitor field operations with a digital process to improve traceability, reduce costs and increase response times.
Gathering the necessary documentation and ensuring that the latest versions are up to date wastes precious time before work even begins.
Paper-based field feedback reports reduce responsiveness and run the risk of non-compliance.
Collecting the data needed to generate end-of-job reports (experience feedback, end-of-manufacture reports, etc) is a tedious administrative phase that can delay invoicing.
We were looking for a cloud solution specifically dedicated to creating and keeping comprehensive work package records in order to digitalise all of our activities. Siteflow met these requirements perfectly.
Florence Baratta, Head of the Innovation and Digital Division - Clemessy Nucléaire Eiffage Énergie Systèmes
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Découvrez 25 pages dédiées à l'implémentation du digital dans la préparation et l'exécution de vos interventions de maintenance nucléaire.